Monday, April 18, 2005

Are there double standards in Indian social rules

Well coming from a traditional and ultra conservative Brahmin society I have found that every custom and tradition in India has double standards and at some stage or point are abused by the same people who preach and live it. The "rules" as they are called are always twisted at will like in a game and also like in any game there are winners and losers. I write this standing in the loser’s cauldron with my feet burnt by those so called rules. I don’t know how many out there actually care to write about them and condemn them but I sure would like to know others who share the ill luck of being toppled down and their reputation marred by "social rules" rather than their own actions. The very nature of these "rules", like no physical intimacy before marriage, women should dress and behave a certain way etc. seem to be very hypocritical and the outlook very narrow.
Why are these rules made and what do they mean for the people following and living them? Do these rules put the people under them a cut above the rest who don’t or are they mere superficial tools used at will by people powerful enough to wield them? I hope someone smarter or wiser than me can answer these questions because I sure would like to know why we live in a self installed fortress with these social laws that bind us to beliefs that most of us despise inward but are too scarred to accept or question in open light.


Blogger Thangamani said...

Good Arun. The questions are valid and important.

Our society is a feudal and male dominated one, which wants to uphold the rights of the males. It favors men and keeps the ‘rules’ to keep women under dominance. Hence men in the society will never be ready to loose the privileges. But all privileges demand one important thing. That is ones own self-respect. So the one who wants to pay head to his or her own heart and honor himself/ herself has to question all the ‘rules’ which favor men.

Good. Keep writing.

1:37 AM  
Blogger ArunGanga said...

Thangamani, thank you for sharing your thoughts but don't you think that more than "male dominance" it is the sheer hypocrisy of the constrictive social doctrines that inhibit one from expressing himself and living life as he would want to. YES paying heed to his or her heart is the right way to go but well living your life the way you want means you will have to stamp on others feelings that are near and dear to you and what their ideas are on how you lead your life. Though you would argue that it is after all your life the fact that you would hurt people means you lose the game either way. This choice is difficult and often very taxing.

2:01 AM  
Blogger SANDYA said...

I completely agree with u on this Arun...Though the west is not much affected by Social issues...certainly the Indian system has... despite so many cultural changes occuring everyday, it is a fact that the ones who prepare themselves mentally are the ones who prevent themselves to such a reference...i still remember that when MTV first came to India...there was so much Hulla Gulla about the same saying it would ruin young minds and am sure today when therez a "Kabhi AAr Kabhi paar remix" played on ur TV its da oldies who enjoy it much better...
Much more than a question of Male Dominance or Women's Lib... its the honesty of expressing ur true social identity that has become rare...No woman would dare to reveal about her ideas of pre-marital relationships even if she heart of hearts craved to go in for one...nor is there a symbol of any man being open about his extra-marital pleasures... Of course for the very reason they may be set aside from the hoi polloi they belong to...

1:12 PM  
Blogger Thangamani said...

please read this

5:16 PM  

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