Thursday, June 02, 2005

My Experiences in California

Finally I am back to blogging after a gap of close to two weeks. I had gone on a trip to Berkeley California to attend my cousin's graduation and help him pack. He is moving to Newyork for a job. The first few days were spent in me catching up with my favorite chitti chittapa and cousin. I got to meet my cousin's gf and she is a really nice person. Most of my conversations with Vikku (my cousin) were about math and differential equations and applied analysis. Well I am a geek and so he had to vibe at my frequency :). I got to seeing several parts of california. We went to a pretty beach town called salsalito. The place had a cove and everything and well looked like a lot of people in san francisco digged the place. We had lunch in a italian restraunt (ofcourse I ate pizza) and then had a huge ice cream. There was this person who entertained tourists by balancing wierd shapes rocks with really narrow bases on curved and flat surfaces alike. He built pillars of these rocks and after a couple it really seemed amazing how they stood in all that breeze without falling. We ate out almost everyday - udipi palace, prima, chat house, CPK, and a lot more. I went shopping for indian groceries and brough home a load of groceries paying the extra 25 dollar overweight charges.

We did a lot more but then I would have to write several pages to cover the whole thing. A very queer and wierdly scarry thing I did was goto castro district (gay capital of the world). Was an intriguing experience.
Hope to get back to my regular blogging from now on


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