Sunday, May 15, 2005

Who is a Friend?

I sometimes wonder what the word "Friendship" means?

Some wise man said that a friend is someone who walks into your life when the rest of the world walks out. So does that mean someone who stays by you when you are down is a friend ? Well would you call a person who happened to be by your side when you had a problem your friend or a nice hearted gentleman who happened to be unfortunate to share your woes at that inappropriate moment. Okay if you say well if that gentleman were there for too many of your woes then he ought to be a friend. Is he?

Another group says a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. Well though this line from its outward appearance seems appealing and appropriate is that who a friend is? Is he someone who understands you completely? Have I found the answer to my initial question?

I would like to know if all those smart people out there can answer this for me.

I am finally done with exams and can get back to some serious blogging

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Interesting day

Today started off to be a refreshing change with me having a relaxing sleep and then going to class where I found my professor in a cheerful mood as the end of the semester was approaching. Then there was this controversy on two Indian students copying in their homeworks and midterm exams. I was in the middle of that brawl as I was helping my professor by serving as his TA for that class. People thought that I had ratted on my friends to the professor and well I was in absolutely no mood to convince them that they were wrong. Then my officemate wanted to confrim certain wierded rumors on the matter he had heard from his roomates and friends. In between all this romp I took 20 minutes to send a package to indonesia for a cell phone I had sold on Amazon. I am still confused as to why the person buying the cell phone wanted me to send the phone to indonesia claiming that it was worth only 100 bucks when it really was worth a lot more. Anyway I dont really care as long as it is not illegal.

Well I still have four chapters to study for my final on wednesday and a yearly plan to finish for my professor. I also have to submit a few corrected figures for my paper that needs to be sent in for publication by the first of august. My professor also asked me to take my comprehensive exam this summer. The good thing about doing that is that it would increase my payscale :).