Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Indian Hacks Microsoft new release

Indian, Debasis Mohanty, hacked the microsoft antipiracy software within a few days of its release and sent it back to microsoft

Sunday, June 19, 2005

New techie innovations as of 17 June 2005

Solar powered space crafts

A cell phone that can operate as a handset too
This is amazing how the cell phone knows it is close to its hub and well if this technology can be harvested for use in another areas of geolocation it could serve as the right step forward in the field of automatic navigation and tracking systems

Unforseen jump by Steve jobs which is bounty for Intel
Immediately computer billionare Micheal Dell tries to use this opportunity :)

Everyone wants to say "Do Google" especially in India :)

Friday, June 17, 2005

Another brilliant Indian

Here are two more brilliant indians from the Indian Institute of technology Delhi who have become billionares in the last 4 years.


Thursday, June 16, 2005

What a disrespect of human rights

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Can anyone be a Journalist???

Well yesterday night while chatting on yahoo my friend Ron mentioned this term "open source journalism" or "citizen journalism". Being a grass roots programmer I immediately thought of "open source code" which is freely available on the web and is also freely accessible and modifiable by anyone. Well then I thought can "news" be the same way. Can any person write his or her own headline and story that will be published as news?? If so how do we know the authenticity of such broadcasts as not rogue stories written by a few to "hit the frontpages". Jeez... ironically will that statement never be used in the future because if this form of journalism gets popular then it may be quits for the newspaper industry. Beleive it or not but president candidate Al Gore has been propagating this concept and it has been tried out in websites like

www.darknet.com (A blog which is now a open source news maker)
http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Main_Page (Blog like newspaper)

Several new webpages are coming up on a daily basis experimenting this new concept. The concept is gaining a lot of thrust from google as it is similar to blogging and would serve google a lot of bounty if this mode of news casting was accepted world wide. The war between microsoft and google, although fascinating, seems to decide the fate of the world wide web.

Legalities related to blogging

The Electronic Frontier Foundation today released the Legal guide for bloggers, covering intellectual property, defamation law, journalists' access issues, election and labor law and more. I think it tells us where we are safe and wgere we cross the line when we blog.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Science and Scientists in India

Today morning as I was sipping my morning coffee I read this article on Times of India

In the first place I question the numbers presented in this article. Are they really true? If so then it is very sad to see a country which produces a bastion of engineers and scientists in the world market is itself dearth in these areas. I am guilty myself so many might argue my commenting on this article is inappropriate. On hind side I would like to stress on my previous statement that Indians are widespread all over the world shedding light on some of the less known names in the field of science (My list will be naturally biased towards electrical engineering)
1. Shankar Sastry - http://robotics.eecs.berkeley.edu/%7Esastry/
A pioneer in the field of robotics and nonlinear dynamics

2. Professor Vivek Subramanian - http://www.coe.berkeley.edu/engnews/fall02/2f/subramanian.html
A brilliant young scientist who is currently developing a printer and electronic ink for smart tags at UC Berkeley.

3. Harsh Azad, Rohit Gaddi, Achal Rastogi, Geetanjali Bahuguna, Ashutosh Upadhyay who were awarded $ 400,000 for their brilliant programming software based on oracle backend. Read all about it in Rediff’s http://us.rediff.com/money/2005/may/18ca.htm.

4. Dr. Raja Ramanna. An atomic energy expert

5. S. R. Ranganathan (1892- 1972) A great librarian and educator, Ranganathan introduced many mathematical concepts in information organization

6. Sister Nivedita Margaret Elizabeth Noble, who later came to be known as Sister Nivedita, worked on women’s rights along with swami Vivekananda.

7. Sir Asutosh Mukherjee - Asutosh Mukherjee was the most dynamic figure in Indian education and its true builder to whom the country will always remain indebted.

8. Prafulla Chandra Roy - The father of modern Indian Chemical industry, P.C.Roy helped to build a new Bengal with a bright future.

9. http://in.rediff.com/money/2004/nov/16mit.htm.

The list is long but it was my aim to point out few luminaries I have not heard of before and whom I felt obliged to mention.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Interesting webpages for tamil music and movies

Hey there are some interesting webpages I found


Please do downloading at your own risk as some of these sites might be illeglegal and I do not promote these sites but just provide information that is already available to many and that which is gathered from my friends.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

My Experiences in California

Finally I am back to blogging after a gap of close to two weeks. I had gone on a trip to Berkeley California to attend my cousin's graduation and help him pack. He is moving to Newyork for a job. The first few days were spent in me catching up with my favorite chitti chittapa and cousin. I got to meet my cousin's gf and she is a really nice person. Most of my conversations with Vikku (my cousin) were about math and differential equations and applied analysis. Well I am a geek and so he had to vibe at my frequency :). I got to seeing several parts of california. We went to a pretty beach town called salsalito. The place had a cove and everything and well looked like a lot of people in san francisco digged the place. We had lunch in a italian restraunt (ofcourse I ate pizza) and then had a huge ice cream. There was this person who entertained tourists by balancing wierd shapes rocks with really narrow bases on curved and flat surfaces alike. He built pillars of these rocks and after a couple it really seemed amazing how they stood in all that breeze without falling. We ate out almost everyday - udipi palace, prima, chat house, CPK, and a lot more. I went shopping for indian groceries and brough home a load of groceries paying the extra 25 dollar overweight charges.

We did a lot more but then I would have to write several pages to cover the whole thing. A very queer and wierdly scarry thing I did was goto castro district (gay capital of the world). Was an intriguing experience.
Hope to get back to my regular blogging from now on